Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Shock and Awe of Competitive Quotes

The standard procedure for getting digital business lines such as T1 or T3 service has been to call the local phone company and place an order. A sales representative in a suit might stop by with the contract and show you where to sign, but the price is what the price is. Well, that's how it USED to be anyhow.

Since telecommunications deregulation, competitive suppliers have sprung up with their own networks and pricing that can be much lower for standard T1 line service or fractional T1, integrated T1, bonded multiple T1 lines, DS3 service, a T3 line or even optical carrier service for OC3 and higher speeds.

If you have been signing the standard telco contract over and over, your eyes might just bug out when you see what else is available that you didn't even know about. In fact, the telecom business has become so competitive since the end of the "boom" years of the 1990's that you can almost certainly save money on any contract more than a year or two old. Perhaps even the contract you just signed a couple of months ago.

So how do you find these great deals? You have to know somebody. Us. Actually, you could search around and find a few competitive providers and go through the bid process with each. Or, you can use a telecom brokerage service like the one we have available. Brokers negotiate the best rates possible from as many top tier suppliers as they can. Ours has a dozen. Plus, we have access to something you can't do on your own and that is get automated quotes while you wait.

Dedicated services are priced based on distance to the nearest POP or point of presence for the service provider. The tool we have available lets you enter your business phone number and street address and get a list of available options in a matter of seconds. The database is programmed for automatic T1 and T3 line service quotes. Optical carrier services are more complex and one of our consultants will call you with a quote.

So, are you sitting down and NOT holding a cup of coffee? Well, put it down before you run any quotes or you might just dump it all over your keyboard... and we don't want that to happen. Now, click here to get your complimentary dedicated line service quote.

Click to check pricing and features or get support from a Telarus product specialist.

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