First is the CallWave Internet Answering Machine. You probably have at least one tape or electronic phone answering machine for your home office or small business. I have three at last count, although only one is on duty as a call screener. It works great, but is of no value when the line is in use. During those times, callers will get a busy signal. Back when I was using dial-up Internet service for hours on end, I only had to hope that no important calls would come through.
CallWave has solved this dilemma for dial-up users with their software known as an Internet answering machine. The machine itself is a little window on your PC that displays Caller ID information and lets you hear messages that callers are leaving. All the while, you are still tying up your phone line surfing the Web or reading email. How can this be? CallWave intercepts your calls and lets you know someone is calling. That's something like voicemail. With this software, however, you will get an alert on your computer screen and you can hear messages through your computer speakers as they are being recorded. You then have the option to click a button and take the call on your landline phone, or transfer the incoming call to your cell phone. Or just let them record a message and call back later. You can get this service for $3.95 a month with a 30 day free trial. Try the CallWave Internet Answering Machine risk-free for 30 days.
Another CallWave service is designed to let you screen calls on your cell phone and even transfer them to your landline. To make this work, CallWave provides you with a new local phone number that rings on your cell phone. When someone calls your cell phone, answering it lets you listen to the caller as they leave you a message, but they won't hear you. If you want to pick up the call, you just push 1 and you can talk to them. Otherwise CallWave voice mail will take the message.
Another feature lets you leave your cell phone off and be alerted to incoming cell phone calls on your PC, similar to the Internet Answering Machine. You can elect to click a button and take the call on your home or office landline. By the way, your regular cell phone number works the same as always. It's only the new CallWave number that gives you the enhanced features. This service costs $3.95 a month with a 30 day free trial. Screen and transfer your cell phone calls with CallWave. Try it risk-free for 30 days.
CallWave also has a service designed just for business lines. You get a new business number from CallWave and you can decide what phone you want it to ring to. That can be your office or home phone or even your cell phone. You can change where the number ring to anytime you like. You'll also get alerts on your PC if you download the companion software. That lets you screen calls while you are online, similar to the Internet Answering Machine.
Another feature of the business service is a personal FAX number. When someone sends a fax to your CallWave fax number, the fax is received at CallWave and sent to you as an email attachment. You no longer need a fax machine to receive faxes. Cost? These business telecom services are $7.95 a month after the 30 day free trial. Try CallWave's business line service with Fax to Email on a risk-free 30 day trial.