Can I Get DSL? It's not just a question, it's a tool to find all sorts of broadband Internet services. You may be surprised to know that broadband, unlike dial-up, is very location specific. Your neighbor across the street might qualify for DSL while you can't. You might be able to get cable modem service, while down the street they're out of luck.
There are three main categories of broadband service available for residences, with a couple of long shots. The long shots are wireless or WISP services that are strictly local and depend on your ability to see the tower from your house. Fiber optic service is the fastest you can get at a very reasonable price, but it's only available in a few Verizon service areas right now.
Most everyone else will qualify for one of the three major broadband delivery systems. DSL or Digital Subscriber Line is offered by phone companies or companies such as Yahoo in partnership with a phone company. DSL rides on your telephone line as a high frequency signal originating at your local telco office. It shares the phone line so you can still use your phone as usual. The DSL modem is always on and ready to provide you with broadband service that is 10x or more what you get with dial-up. However, just because you have a phone doesn't mean you can get DSL. Its high frequency signals only travel a few thousand feet, much shorter than telephone calls. You have to specifically check to see if your location can get DSL.
Cable modem service or Cable Internet is a broadband service that shares the cable TV line. If you can get cable TV, chances are that you can get Cable Internet. Of course, if the cable service provider hasn't run lines to your area you won't qualify for this type of broadband. Cable Internet is also an always-on service and uses a special cable modem that you buy or lease from the Cable TV company. Or you can buy your own at a major electronics retailer. Check to see if you can get Cable broadband.
What if you live in an outlying subdivision or a rural area too far from the phone company and nowhere near cable television? Your answer is two-way satellite. This service uses a small satellite dish on your roof or a pole, just like satellite TV. But this system has a transmitter as well as a receiver so you can both upload and download Internet data. The beauty of satellite broadband is that it works just about anywere in the U.S. that you have a clear view of the southern sky and power to run the satellite receiver. The receiver doesn't take much, so you could run it on a generator or solar panels with batteries. See what's available in two-way satellite broadband now.
What high speed Internet deals are available? You'll have to compare broadband service offers to find out. The offers are very competitive and change often. If you are lucky enough to have DSL, cable and satellite all available, you can choose the best value for the bandwidth you need. If you live farther out, know that satellite broadband prices have been reduced recently and can be a better deal than a second phone line with dial-up ISP service. Not to forget the much higher speeds and always-on availability that you get with broadband Internet service.
Please note that residential broadband services are the most reasonably priced for home office users and general home use. If your business has its own commercial location, you'll need commercial telecommunications services, such as T1 dedicated Internet service.