Take heart. You can be part of the VAR Network too. It only takes a few minutes to join and you don't have to pony up any cash to get listed. Once your business is listed online, the leads will start rolling in.
Here's the secret of success that many people in the voice and data business don't know yet. Yellow Pages and newspaper ads have their place. So do cold calls, flyers and personal recommendations. That used to be all you need. But in this Internet age, many, many high value customers are savvy enough to be looking around the Web even for local businesses. That's especially true before and after normal business hours when owners have the time to shop for services that they can't quite get around to during the day.
This increasing piece of the business pie is what the VAR Network was designed to capture. It's an automated database system that intelligently assesses the appropriateness of suppliers to the inquiry data provided by prospective buyers. Type of service required, make and model of equipment requested, and geographical location are major factors that determine which dealers are informed about any particular opportunity. The buyer knows that they'll only be contacted by dealers who are ready, willing and able to meet their needs. Sellers know that they'll only be notified of prospects who will be worth their while to pursue. This approach is orders of magnitude more efficient than typical media ads.
So how does a potential buyer find the VAR Network? Mostly through online search engine listings that are specific to what they are looking for, both technically and geographically. Also through online paid ads and offline marking efforts by network agents. The agents are telecom marketing professionals, not competing equipment dealers. Their whole job is getting the opportunity in front of high value prospects needing equipment, installation, and service.
The VAR Network also comes with another strategic advantage. It's owned and operated by Telarus, Inc., a major broker of voice and data telecom line services. If you've ever sold a PBX phone system or Internet router and then told the customer to call the phone company for line service, you've left money on the table. By partnering with agents at the VAR Network, you can offer T1, DS3, PRI, and Integrated voice and data lines to your customers along with equipment and installation for one stop shopping. The VAR Network experts will take care of closing the line sale, including all the contractual paperwork. For a few minutes effort in entering the line service lead into the system, you'll receive a generous monthly commission for the length of the contract. It's like bonus money on every job.
Heard enough to be interested? Remember, there is no up-front cost to be listed or receive leads. You contribute to the VAR network only on sales you are actually paid for. Line sales cost you nothing, you get paid for referring leads that close. Take a couple of minutes and have a look at the VAR Network now. If you like what you see, you can get more information on the business opportunity and enter your application anytime through the VAR Partner site. It's the easiest thing you'll do today to increase your earnings.