But how can you possibly grab the hottest leads away from your competitors? That's the service provided by 1-800-FREE411, the free 411 telephone information service. You know you've dialed 411 from time to time to get the phone number of a business when the phone book just wasn't handy. Everybody else does too. Now that most all of us are on the go, making calls from cell phones, the need for phone number information is really growing. Face it, do you carry a chunky phone book with you in case you need to look up a number? Ha!
It's great being able to dial for information... until you get the bill. Phone companies charge anywhere up to $1 to $3 for just a single request. Ouch! That what makes Free 411 so popular. Why not get the same information free instead of paying through the nose? That's what over 21 million callers to 1-800-FREE411 think. They get the business numbers they want at no charge. All they have to do is listen to a short advertisement for a competing business in the area.
Ah, you see where the opportunity is here. If that competing ad is compelling, callers will connect to that business instead of the one they originally wanted. Let's say they were calling for auto insurance prices, but you're offering 20% savings. Or they wanted a local florist but find out you offer free delivery or a bargain arrangement or some other enticement. Won't they beat a path to your door or at least ring to phone out of curiosity? You bet they will.
The beauty behind phone ads on 1-800-FREE411 is that the only people who listen to your ad are those who are in the market for your product or service and are actively trying to reach your direct competitor. It's hard to imagine advertising any more targeted than this. When your phone rings, you know it will be from someone who has listened to your ad and deliberately chosen to call you instead of the business they originally had in mind. Now, that's a motivated buyer.
This advertising model is perfect for any business with a local footprint and competition. That includes, doctors and dentists, lawyers, florists, auto service, restaurants, real estate agents, banks, life and health insurance sales, fitness centers, beauty shops, telephone system installers, technical consultants and just about anybody else with a business, a phone, and a need for more qualified sales prospects.
It's cost effective advertising, too. 1-800-FREE411 will professionally record your 15 second ad for free. You pay only pennies for each time your ad is played to a prospective customer. That's a prospect who listens to your ad while the service looks up the number they actually asked for. If the customer chooses to connect to you instead, you pay a small connection charge for calls that last over 30 seconds. That's to make sure you get only hot prospects that really want to talk to you about your offer.