Monday, September 27, 2010

Competitive Fiber Optic Service Nearby

Is your organization a high bandwidth user? By that, I mean you need reliable commercial bandwidth from 100 Mbps to 10 Gbps or higher. You can’t get there with bonded T1 lines or Ethernet over Copper. What you need is fiber optic service. But is competitive fiber optic bandwidth available anywhere nearby? Let’s check and see...

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The fact is that buildings lit for fiber optic service are popping up faster than you can keep track of them. Why? Because today’s bandwidth hungry applications are demanding higher and higher network speeds. That includes connections that leave the LAN and go to the Internet or point to point to other locations. These connections carry large medical images, HD video streams, large database backups, engineering simulations and similar massive file transfers. Electronic medical records have dramatically ratcheted-up bandwidth requirements for hospitals and medical centers. Productivity software can only save you a fortune if it can operate efficiently. That means near-instaneous file transfers. Wait time is lost time and lost time is lost money.

Level 3, a major competitive carrier, has announced that it has 8,000 buildings on net for its metro fiber network. However, there an estimated 100,000 buildings that are around 500 feet away from those buildings. Those 100,000 locations are an opportunity well within reach.

Other competitive carriers, such as XO communication, are also aggressively expanding their fiber optic footprint in response to the demand for higher bandwidth than today’s connections can provide.

What sort of bandwidth options are available? The most popular service is Metro Ethernet. It is scalable so that you can order just the speed you need today and then easily upgrade when the need arises. It is also considerably less expensive than traditional SONET services, often just a fraction of the cost. Bandwidth? The sky is pretty much the limit. Standard Ethernet speeds of 100 Mbps, 1000 Mbps and 10,000 Mbps are supported, as well as many increments in-between. In fact, Ethernet services are usually available as low as 3 Mbps, with 10 Mbps being a popular upgrade from T1 lines.

Could you use more bandwidth at a reasonable price, perhaps even a cost reduction? How about truly high speed service? Check availability and get Ethernet pricing quotes now.

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