So, what’s Vyvx and why would you want to order VenueNet+ service? If you’ve ever been involved in a broadcast “remote”, radio or TV, you know that it can be a hit or miss proposition. You need to bring your own transmitter truck and hope you can get the antenna over any obstacles between you and the station or skyward to the “bird.” Otherwise, you need to install a permanent antenna or contract with the phone company for line service (radio) to get the broadcast out of where you are and to the studio intact.
In the age of HD television, this gets even dicier. There is massive bandwidth involved in providing a clean signal that can display high speed action without turning the picture into pixel mush. Can you afford glitches and maybe an all-out outage on game day? Ha! Last year’s Super Bowl was viewed by more than 110 million people, few of whom are in a mood to be patient with technical issues. With multi-million dollar budgets involved in giving you 30 second commercials of clever animal antics that you’ll talk about for weeks, can you afford even a second’s dead air? Nope. Whatever you lose you’ll never get back. There are no re-dos on the Super Bowl.
This is were Level 3 steps in to make life easy. Forget trying to raise an antenna mast or get a leased line connected. The Level 3 fiber network is already in-place at the venue and ready to transport your streaming video. The fiber network has been set up to transport high-definition video optimized for sports events. Vyvx supports HD-SDI, SD-SDI, DVB-ASI and MPEG2/4 and JPEG 2000 encoding. Some venues even support uncompressed HD video. In addition to video encoding and transport, VenueNet+ also provides high speed Internet and telephone service.
The VenueNet+ panel connects to a Level 3 Gateway that gives your video access to the Level 3 MPLS video and data network cloud that can deliver HD video with more than three times the bandwidth currently available by satellite. The fiber network connects to Level 3’s television operation center, broadcast networks, teleports to international and cruise ship destinations, and Level 3 CDN (Content Delivery Network) streaming. Once you hand the raw video to Level 3, they get it where it needs to go, properly encoded.
Level 3 has been delivering the Super Bowl for nearly 25 years. It’s also carries the pre-game and post-game feeds to NFL operations centers in Mt. Laurel, N.J., Culver City, California and NFL Network master control facilities in Atlanta.
The Super Bowl is certainly a showcase for the quality and reliability that Level 3 Vyvx video services can provide. It’s perhaps the best advertising they can have to demonstrate the capability of fiber optic video transport. Even if you are not involved in the Super Bowl or anything of that magnitude, Vyvx can make your life easier for video transport from stadiums and event venues. They’ll get your video to from here to there with the highest quality and least fuss. If you have a project in the works or just want to compare services with what you have now, get pricing and options for video transport and related services now.