The Motorola T-900 flips open to reveal a backlit 4 line LCD text display. The other half features a lighted QWERTY keyboard and navigation buttons. The memory stores up to 70,000 characters and a 250 entry address book. With it's single AA battery, it weighs in at just over 4 oz.
This device goes far beyond your uncle-the-doctor's pocket pager. You can use it as a regular pager, but the real power comes in being able to send and receive text messages just about anywhere you happen to be. It's wireless mobile email. You can forward incoming email messages from your company's Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes email to your T-900 while you are out of the office. You'll get an audible or vibrating alert when a message comes in. Reply to email messages or forward them just like you do at your computer keyboard. You can even store your read messages in your personal folder.
With confirmed two-way messaging, you can be sure you won't miss your messages even if you happen to be sitting on a mountain, in an airplane or between coverage areas. When you get within range of a base station, up to 72 hours later, the system will see that you are available and deliver your messages.
Want to send messages? Enter your text on the keyboard and even include a signature with your emails. The address book stores up to 9 fields of information for up to 250 of your best friends, colleagues, bosses, etc. Messages have time and date stamping. Emails can be sent to any Internet email address. Get two of these T-900 devices on the same messaging service and you can also chat or send instant messages back and forth.
The Motorola T-900 Personal Interactive Communicator supports the standard (FLEXible wide area synchronous protocol) signaling standard commonly used for numeric and text paging. It transmits in the UHF frequency range of 896 to 902 MHz and receives in the range of 929 to 942 MHz, using frequency modulation. Transmit power is 0.15 watts for short bursts of 16 to 160 msec. Since transmissions are brief and receiver power demands are minimal, battery life can be as long as a month. You also have the option to turn the device completely off to save battery power.
If you are interested in learning more about the history and technology of pagers, read "How Pagers Got Their Beep."
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