What is this new system? It's the VAR Network. If you haven't heard of it, pay attention because your competitors likely have. In simple terms, the VAR network is an online database system that contains business profiles on thousands of telephone and computer networking dealers. It's fully automated so that when a potential customer does a search to see who can help them with their telecom needs, the VAR Network will automatically notify matching qualified dealers in their area. Each dealer can then choose to pursue the opportunity or let another dealer have a go at it.
So how is this different from other online business directories? It's really quite a step beyond mere listing services. First of all, this is an enormous project designed with the capacity to link thousands of dealers with tens of thousands of potential clients on an intelligent basis. The customer doesn't have to sort through a pile of listings and try to figure out who to call. The system acts as matchmaker and sends the warm lead to only those dealers who are likely to meet the customers needs. Aside from the initial online inquiry, the customer doesn't have to take any initiative to contact dealers.
The VAR Network is also specifically targeted for business to business transactions among telephone system and computer networking dealers and prospects. It's designed by Telarus, a major telecommunications master agency and developer of the GeoQuote(tm) automated T1 and DS3 pricing service. The VAR Network is for Value Added Resellers only.
The VAR Network is intended to supplement or perhaps eventually replace other professional advertising resources you might be using, such as the Yellow Pages, newspaper ads, industrial directories, search engine pay-per-click, direct mail and telemarketing. It also has a more advantageous payment model. While other ad resources require you to pay up-front for leads or mere exposure, the VAR Network makes you a partner with no up-front fees. You join by filling out a short profile about your business and the services you offer. You'll be partnered with professional telecom agent at Telarus who will help you expand your listing and be a resource to ensure your success. Once your profile is online, you'll begin receiving lead notifications from businesses in your service area. It's then up to you to chose the opportunities you want and negotiate with the customer to sell your products and service. For every lead that results in a sale, you'll remit a small percentage back to the VAR Network in consideration of the service. Any leads that don't pan out cost you nothing.
Because of the partnership with Telarus, you'll also have the opportunity to earn monthly residual commissions on T1, ISDN PRI, DS3, and other telecommunications line sales to your customers. Many dealers pass over this business because they aren't equipped to deal with the intricacies of line sales and contracts. Your Telarus partner is an expert in this area and will handle these details with you or on your behalf.
As a business professional, how can you let another day go by without leveraging the additional business you could be getting through the VAR Network? Other dealers near you have already signed up and are receiving leads that you could also be bidding on. Visit the VAR Network now to see how it is organized to help you get more business. Sign-up immediately right on the site. Or, visit the VAR Partner site to learn more about the business opportunity. It could be working for you sooner than you think.