Let’s take a look at what Telx has to offer through their Miami facility. It’s all about the interconnections. You lease a secure cabinet or private cage to house your servers and other network equipment. Telx supplies the AC or DC power you need, plus the environmental control and physical security. If you want to connect with any other customers of their facilities, Telx technicians will perform a cross connect within 24 to 48 hours. You have choice of media that includes Ethernet copper, DS3 coax, and fiber optic cabling.
What about outside connectivity? You’ll find major carriers located right in the facility, including AT&T, Bell South, Global Crossing, Level 3 Communications, TW Telecom, Verizon Business, and XO Communications, to name a few. You also have access to international cable landings that include ARCOS, ARCOS II, Americas II, Columbus III, Emergia (Telefonica) GlobalNet Brasil Telecom, Maya-1, and Mid-Atlantic Crossing .
What’s more, Telx has a private optical ring to NAP of the Americas, also located in Miami. This ring support all Ethernet, TDM and SONET/SDH services. Through NAP of the Americas, you’ll be able to connect to dozens more of the world’s most important carriers.
Telx is located in downtown MIami in a seven story, 50,000 square foot building structurally designed to withstand natural disasters, including Category 5 hurricanes. It’s located outside the FEMA 100 year designated flood zone and the Miami-Date hurricane evacuation zone. This makes the Telx Miami colocation center a premier gateway for South American and Latin American international voice, video and data traffic.
More and more businesses are taking a closer look at cloud services and colocation because of the connectivity and cost savings available compared to running their own data center facilities. Telx can provide you with a secure location to install your equipment, connections to many carriers that can often be hard to reach from your location and enough competition among carriers to give you the best bandwidth prices you can get. They have a technical staff on duty 24/7/365, something that is becoming a luxury for many companies.
Is colocation right for you? The way to decide is to run the numbers compare your current costs of operation with what you’ll pay at a colocation center. Don’t forget to include special connectivity that you may not be able to get where you are, such as ultra low latency connections. Compare prices and services at data center colocation facilities, including Telx, with friendly expert consultation to help you sort through the myriad of options.
Note: Photo of downtown Miami buildings courtesty of Dtobias on Wikimedia Commons.